Christian Shows and Movies Websites
Creation and Science
Endtime Bible Prophecies and World Events
Health and Fitness
Messianic Jewish Hosts
National and International Christian News
Preaching and Teaching
Talk Shows and Interviews
Travel and Fun
Our Selection
is a list of videos and websites that I hope will
inform, edify, strengthen, encourage, give you hope, and be a blessing to you. I have tried to put together a nice collection of a variety of Christian shows and TV websites. I hope they give you many hours of joyful development in faith and wisdom. Just
click and you will be taken to the page.
If you discover a link that no longer works, please let me know by leaving me a note in the comment section, all the way at the bottom of this post. Also, I would love to know if this page is useful to you, so please leave me a comment. Thank you and God bless you.
DISCLAIMER: While I appreciate and often learn something new from the teachings presented by each of the ministries listed below, this does not mean that they always reflect my views. All knowledge/wisdom/revelation is not given to one person. The only one who has perfect knowledge of everything is God.
Best Christian Movies
One stop for all edifying Christian movies. Carries a nice selection of some of today's best Christian movies. Here's a similar free movies website.
Daystar Television
Watch live streaming of Daystar programming 24/7.
Faith Channel
An archive with a selection of previous shows from a few ministries.
Free Christian Teaching
Provides free Christian evangelistic and education media--DVDs on topics ranging from the Bible, to compassion efforts, to science, to world economy and more.
Watch from Ministries listed, live streaming 24/7, or selected programs on demand.
HigherPraise Christian Video Library
Bible stories, preaching videos, and prophecy films.
An archive of current and past shows on TBN. Search for shows by program name (then sort by "newest first",) by network (play back and never miss a show!), by faith issues, most popular, recently aired, and by just added. Or check out the "Top 10 Searches."
Jesus and the Bible Today
Free Online Christian TV Stations presenting news, movies, archaeology, varied interviews, prophecy, and more. Here's their free Christian movies page.
A listing of many Christian ministry preaching and teaching TV shows. Search by program name, host name and more.
Watch Bible Movies
Bible and Christian movies, and kids Bible stories free to watch online any time.
Here's another free Bible movies website.
Answers in Genesis
Speaker: Ken Ham or another scientist. Weekly program. Video archives.
Shows how many science disciplines today provide evidence for the truth of the Biblical account of creation.
Creation in the 21st Century.
Hosts: Carl Bough (Old shows, here) or David Rives ( New shows, here). Weekly show. Video archives.
Talk show featuring top scientists, stories and discoveries that will enlighten, educate, and inspire. Shows how science and the Bible fit.
Creation Ministries International
Speakers: Various scientists. Series. GOD TV video archives.
Teaching series equipping churches to provide real-world answers to today's most-asked questions about creation and evolution.
Host: Donn Chapman. Weekly program. Video archives.
Interviews different scientists each week. A forum taking the evidence of science and using it to validate the truth of creation.
NOTE: Please note that the term Endtimes does not imply the end of "the world" but the end of "the age" (the term used in the original Greek text is "aeon", meaning "age" not "cosmos" which means "world.") In Matthew 13:24-43 and Matthew 24 and Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus talks about the end of the age. After this current age comes to an end, mankind will enter another age in history that the Bible says will last for 1000 years. Once that age comes to an end, there will be a "new heaven and a new earth," and a "new Jerusalem". God's dwelling place (Heaven) and man's dwelling place (Earth) will be reunited and the righteous will inherit the Earth. This will be the beginning of a new age: the age of eternal life. It will never end. Everyone who has ever lived will be resurrected, like Jesus was in Matt. 28, and will have to stand before God. All will have eternal bodies. (Read Revelation 20 and 21.) We are to develop an intimate relationship with God in this temporary life, so that He will receive us as His own in that eternal age. The world will change but it will not end. So, "Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27).
Christ in Prophecy
Host: David Reagan. Updated weekly. This week's show plus an extensive archive of past shows.
Talk show with a variety of guests covering Bible prophecy and other topics.
Chuck Missler
Host: Chuck Missler. Weekly show. GOD TV Series and episodes Koinonia House page
Bible teachings on many topics but mostly on endtime prophecy and world events.
End Times Today
Host: Walid Shoebat. DVD Series. YouTube listing.
Ex-Terrorist saved by Christ presents Bible prophecy from a Middle Eastern perspective.
Click here for more teachings from Walid.
God's News Behind the News
Host: Joe van Koevering. Weekly show. Broadcast blog.
Bible teachings on end time prophecies, the Church, Israel and the Middle East.
Jack van Impe Presents
Host: Jack van Impe. Updated weekly. TV show page.
Presenting political and global news and commentary in light of Bible prophecy.
Jerusalem Dateline
Host: Chris Mitchell. Updated weekly. Show archive page. A CBN program.
News from the Middle East.
Middle East Prophecy Update
Host: JD Farag. Weekly video. Ministry's YouTube channel.
Understanding the Middle-Eastern culture, events and Bible prophecy.
Prophecy in the News
Host: Gary Stearman. Updated weekly. Program archives.
Talk show discussing modern-day occurrences prophesied in the Bible.
The Hal Lindsey Report
Host: Hal Lindsey. Updated weekly. Current show and archives.
Discusses current national and global events in light of Bible prophecy.
Understanding the End of the Age
Host: Theresa Garcia. Updated weekly. Show's iTBN page.
Bible prophecy program dedicated to preparing the Jews, the nations, and the Church for the immediate return of the Lord.
Doctor to Doctor
Host: Different doctors. Updated weekly.
Doctors discuss a wide range of topic to help you stay healthy in every area of your life. Talking about nutrition, exercise, medicine, and more. Bible-based.
Faithful Workouts
Host: Michelle Spadafora. Daily show. YouTube fitness videos.
Getting fit God's way. A few full show videos but most videos are short fitness segments.
Healing Your Soul
Host: Katie Souza. Weekly show. Program's iTBN page.
Real keys to the miraculous! Teachings how to take hold of healing for your soul and your physical body.
DVD segments. WholyFit TV page.
Fitness for body, soul, and spirit. A sample of devotional exercises. 10-minute workouts (even a few pre- and post-natal exercises).
Your Health
Hosts: Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker. Weekly TV show. YouTube archive, segments of selected shows.
Talk show about natural strategies to help the body heal from disease, nutritional supplementation, delicious healthy recipes and more. More on YouTube.
If you discover a link that no longer works, please let me know by leaving me a note in the comment section, all the way at the bottom of this post. Also, I would love to know if this page is useful to you, so please leave me a comment. Thank you and God bless you.
DISCLAIMER: While I appreciate and often learn something new from the teachings presented by each of the ministries listed below, this does not mean that they always reflect my views. All knowledge/wisdom/revelation is not given to one person. The only one who has perfect knowledge of everything is God.
Christian Shows and Movies Websites
Best Christian Movies
One stop for all edifying Christian movies. Carries a nice selection of some of today's best Christian movies. Here's a similar free movies website.
Daystar Television
Watch live streaming of Daystar programming 24/7.
Faith Channel
An archive with a selection of previous shows from a few ministries.
Free Christian Teaching
Provides free Christian evangelistic and education media--DVDs on topics ranging from the Bible, to compassion efforts, to science, to world economy and more.
Watch from Ministries listed, live streaming 24/7, or selected programs on demand.
HigherPraise Christian Video Library
Bible stories, preaching videos, and prophecy films.
An archive of current and past shows on TBN. Search for shows by program name (then sort by "newest first",) by network (play back and never miss a show!), by faith issues, most popular, recently aired, and by just added. Or check out the "Top 10 Searches."
Jesus and the Bible Today
Free Online Christian TV Stations presenting news, movies, archaeology, varied interviews, prophecy, and more. Here's their free Christian movies page.
A listing of many Christian ministry preaching and teaching TV shows. Search by program name, host name and more.
Watch Bible Movies
Bible and Christian movies, and kids Bible stories free to watch online any time.
Here's another free Bible movies website.
Creation and Science
Answers in Genesis
Speaker: Ken Ham or another scientist. Weekly program. Video archives.
Shows how many science disciplines today provide evidence for the truth of the Biblical account of creation.
Creation in the 21st Century.
Hosts: Carl Bough (Old shows, here) or David Rives ( New shows, here). Weekly show. Video archives.
Talk show featuring top scientists, stories and discoveries that will enlighten, educate, and inspire. Shows how science and the Bible fit.
Creation Ministries International
Speakers: Various scientists. Series. GOD TV video archives.
Teaching series equipping churches to provide real-world answers to today's most-asked questions about creation and evolution.
Host: Donn Chapman. Weekly program. Video archives.
Interviews different scientists each week. A forum taking the evidence of science and using it to validate the truth of creation.
Endtime Bible Prophecies and World Events
NOTE: Please note that the term Endtimes does not imply the end of "the world" but the end of "the age" (the term used in the original Greek text is "aeon", meaning "age" not "cosmos" which means "world.") In Matthew 13:24-43 and Matthew 24 and Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus talks about the end of the age. After this current age comes to an end, mankind will enter another age in history that the Bible says will last for 1000 years. Once that age comes to an end, there will be a "new heaven and a new earth," and a "new Jerusalem". God's dwelling place (Heaven) and man's dwelling place (Earth) will be reunited and the righteous will inherit the Earth. This will be the beginning of a new age: the age of eternal life. It will never end. Everyone who has ever lived will be resurrected, like Jesus was in Matt. 28, and will have to stand before God. All will have eternal bodies. (Read Revelation 20 and 21.) We are to develop an intimate relationship with God in this temporary life, so that He will receive us as His own in that eternal age. The world will change but it will not end. So, "Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27).
Christ in Prophecy
Host: David Reagan. Updated weekly. This week's show plus an extensive archive of past shows.
Talk show with a variety of guests covering Bible prophecy and other topics.
Chuck Missler
Host: Chuck Missler. Weekly show. GOD TV Series and episodes Koinonia House page
Bible teachings on many topics but mostly on endtime prophecy and world events.
End Times Today
Host: Walid Shoebat. DVD Series. YouTube listing.
Ex-Terrorist saved by Christ presents Bible prophecy from a Middle Eastern perspective.
Click here for more teachings from Walid.
God's News Behind the News
Host: Joe van Koevering. Weekly show. Broadcast blog.
Bible teachings on end time prophecies, the Church, Israel and the Middle East.
Jack van Impe Presents
Host: Jack van Impe. Updated weekly. TV show page.
Presenting political and global news and commentary in light of Bible prophecy.
Jerusalem Dateline
Host: Chris Mitchell. Updated weekly. Show archive page. A CBN program.
News from the Middle East.
Middle East Prophecy Update
Host: JD Farag. Weekly video. Ministry's YouTube channel.
Understanding the Middle-Eastern culture, events and Bible prophecy.
Prophecy in the News
Host: Gary Stearman. Updated weekly. Program archives.
Talk show discussing modern-day occurrences prophesied in the Bible.
The Hal Lindsey Report
Host: Hal Lindsey. Updated weekly. Current show and archives.
Discusses current national and global events in light of Bible prophecy.
Understanding the End of the Age
Host: Theresa Garcia. Updated weekly. Show's iTBN page.
Bible prophecy program dedicated to preparing the Jews, the nations, and the Church for the immediate return of the Lord.
Health & Fitness
Doctor to Doctor
Host: Different doctors. Updated weekly.
Doctors discuss a wide range of topic to help you stay healthy in every area of your life. Talking about nutrition, exercise, medicine, and more. Bible-based.
Faithful Workouts
Host: Michelle Spadafora. Daily show. YouTube fitness videos.
Getting fit God's way. A few full show videos but most videos are short fitness segments.
Healing Your Soul
Host: Katie Souza. Weekly show. Program's iTBN page.
Real keys to the miraculous! Teachings how to take hold of healing for your soul and your physical body.
DVD segments. WholyFit TV page.
Fitness for body, soul, and spirit. A sample of devotional exercises. 10-minute workouts (even a few pre- and post-natal exercises).
Your Health
Hosts: Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker. Weekly TV show. YouTube archive, segments of selected shows.
Talk show about natural strategies to help the body heal from disease, nutritional supplementation, delicious healthy recipes and more. More on YouTube.
Messianic Jewish Hosts
Discovering the Jewish Jesus
Host: Kurt Schneider. Updated weekly. Show's page on LightSource.
This Jewish believer brings teachings that connect the old and the new testaments.
It's Supernatural
Host: Sid Roth. Updated weekly. Show archives page.
Interviews showing how God is still doing miracles today.
Jewish Voice
Host: Jonathan Bernis. Updated weekly. This week's show.
Talk show with a variety of guests covering a wide range of topics.
Zola Levitt Presents
Hosts: Katharine & Myles Weiss. Updated weekly. Video archives page.
Messianic Jewish teachings.
National and International Christian News
ACLJ This Week
Host: Jay Sekulow. Updated weekly. Radio & TV shows page.
News focusing on legal, legislative, and national security battles in the U.S. and around the world, from a Christian position.
Christian World News
Host: George Thomas. Updated weekly. Show archive page. A CBN program.
International news covering topics important to Christians
Jerusalem Dateline
Host: Chris Mitchell. Updated weekly. Show archive page. A CBN program.
News from the Middle East.
The 700 Club
Host: Pat Robertson. Updated daily. Show archive page. A CBN program.
National and international news, testimonies, and variety faith-based talk show.
The Brody File
Host: David Brody. Updated weekly. Show archive page. A CBN program.
News from Capitol Hill.
The Watchman
Host: Erick Stakelbeck. Updated weekly. Show archive page. A CBN program.
News about America and the efforts of radical Islam.
Preaching and Teaching
Believer's Walk Of Faith
Host: Bill Winston. Daily shows. Broadcast and Media page offers selected teaching shows.
Bible teachings on Christian living and tapping in to the power of God to receive all He has for you and to help you accomplish His purpose for your life.
Chuck Missler
Host: Chuck Missler. Weekly show. GOD TV Series and episodes Koinonia House page
Bible teachings on many topics but mostly on endtime prophecy and world events.
Effective Living
Host: Myles Munroe. Weekly broadcast. Sign-In to view. It's free. Must first sign up to create a user account.
Kingdom living. Biblical principles to living life effectively and becoming leaders in your community. For old broadcasts on YouTube, click here and here too.
Enjoying Everyday Life
Host: Joyce Meyer. Daily show. Broadcast page.
Life-changing Bible messages sharing the love of God.
Excellent Leadership
Host: Sam Adeyemi. Updated weekly. A Daystar Christian Centre program.
Biblical teachings to cultivate excellence in Christian living and develop leadership skills.
Healing Your Soul
Host: Katie Souza. Weekly show. Program's iTBN page.
Real keys to the miraculous! Teachings how to take hold of healing for your soul and your physical body.
Host: Mike Bickle. Weekly shows. Selected videos on YouTube.
Bible teachings to cultivate intimacy with God, prayer and fasting, and Kingdom living. Also teachings about Bible prophecy and end times.
In Touch
Host: Charles Stanley. Updated weekly. This week on TV page.
Teachings from the Bible helping us to know God and live for Him.
John Hagee Today
Host: John Hagee. Weekly broadcast. GETV broadcast categories page.
Bible-based teachings covering many topics.
Host: Perry Stone. Updated weekly. Current program and archives.
Bible teachings with a Hebraic connection.
The Blessed Life
Host: Robert Morris. Updated weekly. Show website.
Practical Bible teachings often presented in a fun, inspiring and uniquely entertaining way.
Host: Benny Hinn. Updated daily. List of the week's TV programs.
Teachings, conferences, and talk shows covering faith topics, prayer, prophecy, healing, family, healthy living and financial freedom.
Time for Change
Host: Guillermo Maldonado. Weekly show. Current program and archives.
God is a supernatural God. Teachings to walk in the supernatural power of God.
Today with Marilyn and Sarah
Hosts: Marilyn Hickey and Sarah Bowling. Daily show. Selected episodes.
Practical Biblical teachings, encouragement, and interviews.
Understanding the End of the Age
Host: Theresa Garcia. Updated weekly. Show's iTBN page.
Bible prophecy program dedicated to preparing the Jews, the nations, and the Church for the immediate return of the Lord.
Zola Levitt Presents
Hosts: Katharine & Myles Weiss. Updated weekly. Video archives page.
Messianic Jewish teachings.
Christ in Prophecy
Host: David Reagan. Updated weekly. Show archive page.
Talk show with a variety of guests covering Bible prophecy and other topics.
Everlasting Love
Host: Patricia King. Weekly show. GOD TV series and episodes.
Talk show with a variety of guests who live a life of walking in the supernatural of God.
Fixing the Money Thing
Host: Gary Keesee. Updated weekly. Show archive page.
A talk show presenting principals for Biblical money stewardship.
It's Supernatural
Host: Sid Roth. Updated weekly. Show archive page.
Interviews showing how God is still doing miracles today.
Jewish Voice
Host: Jonathan Bernis. Updated weekly. Media page.
Talk show with a variety of guests covering a wide range of topics.
Prophecy in the News
Host: Gary Stearman. Updated weekly. TV program archive page.
Talk show discussing modern-day occurrences prophesied in the Bible.
The 700 Club
Host: Pat Robertson. Updated daily. Show archive page. A CBN program.
National and international news, testimonies, variety, and faith-based talk show.
The John Ankerberg Show
Host: John Ankerberg. Updated weekly. Television shows page.
Interviews with various guests about many different topics.
This is Your Day
Host: Benny Hinn. Updated daily. List of the week's TV programs.
Teachings, conferences, and talk shows covering faith topics, prayer, prophecy, healing, family, healthy living and financial freedom.
Today with Marilyn and Sarah
Hosts: Marilyn Hickey and Sarah Bowling. Daily show. Selected episodes.
Practical Biblical teachings, encouragement, and interviews.
Teachings, conferences, and talk shows covering faith topics, prayer, prophecy, healing, family, healthy living and financial freedom.
Time for Change
Host: Guillermo Maldonado. Weekly show. Current program and archives.
God is a supernatural God. Teachings to walk in the supernatural power of God.
Today with Marilyn and Sarah
Hosts: Marilyn Hickey and Sarah Bowling. Daily show. Selected episodes.
Practical Biblical teachings, encouragement, and interviews.
Understanding the End of the Age
Host: Theresa Garcia. Updated weekly. Show's iTBN page.
Bible prophecy program dedicated to preparing the Jews, the nations, and the Church for the immediate return of the Lord.
Zola Levitt Presents
Hosts: Katharine & Myles Weiss. Updated weekly. Video archives page.
Messianic Jewish teachings.
Talk Shows and Interviews
Christ in Prophecy
Host: David Reagan. Updated weekly. Show archive page.
Talk show with a variety of guests covering Bible prophecy and other topics.
Everlasting Love
Host: Patricia King. Weekly show. GOD TV series and episodes.
Talk show with a variety of guests who live a life of walking in the supernatural of God.
Fixing the Money Thing
Host: Gary Keesee. Updated weekly. Show archive page.
A talk show presenting principals for Biblical money stewardship.
It's Supernatural
Host: Sid Roth. Updated weekly. Show archive page.
Interviews showing how God is still doing miracles today.
Jewish Voice
Host: Jonathan Bernis. Updated weekly. Media page.
Talk show with a variety of guests covering a wide range of topics.
Prophecy in the News
Host: Gary Stearman. Updated weekly. TV program archive page.
Talk show discussing modern-day occurrences prophesied in the Bible.
The 700 Club
Host: Pat Robertson. Updated daily. Show archive page. A CBN program.
National and international news, testimonies, variety, and faith-based talk show.
The John Ankerberg Show
Host: John Ankerberg. Updated weekly. Television shows page.
Interviews with various guests about many different topics.
This is Your Day
Host: Benny Hinn. Updated daily. List of the week's TV programs.
Teachings, conferences, and talk shows covering faith topics, prayer, prophecy, healing, family, healthy living and financial freedom.
Today with Marilyn and Sarah
Hosts: Marilyn Hickey and Sarah Bowling. Daily show. Selected episodes.
Practical Biblical teachings, encouragement, and interviews.
Travel and Fun
Host: Barry Segal. Weekly show. GOD TV show archieves.
Exploring Israel, the holy land, discussing topics from archaeology to zoology.
Travel with Spirit
Host: Honnie Korngold. Updated weekly. Show's page.
Faith-based, family friendly, travel consumer magazine and Christian TV show.
Travel with Spirit
Host: Honnie Korngold. Updated weekly. Show's page.
Faith-based, family friendly, travel consumer magazine and Christian TV show.
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